Monday, March 06, 2017

AIPEU Gr C, Phulbani writes to The SPOs, Phulbani for early settlment of Staff grievances.

AIPEU-Gr. C Phulbani-762 001 <>

Submission of Staff grievances for early settlement
1 message

AIPEU-Gr. C Phulbani-762 001 <>Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 8:02 AM
To: Phulbani DO-DoP <>
The Superintendent of Post Offices
Phulbani Division

No-PHI/AIPEU Gr C/01 - 03/2017dated 06.03.2017.

Sub-Submission of Staff grievances for early settlement. 

The following problems which are arising in day to day works of the employees are hereby submitted for favour of kind information and early necessary action.

1. 1 keyboard & 1 mouse to Malisahi SO & 1 keyboard to Daringibadi SO may kindly be supplied  at the earliest as the existing ones are damaged. 

2. The Monitor of Ghantapada SO has been damaged, the repairing cost will be around Rs 5000.00, so either permission may kindly be accorded to SPM, Ghantapada for repairing the same or a new one may be supplied immediately

3. NSP-1 of Kantamal is having frequent failures as a result, the work is now being done only through NSP-2, which causes more delay. The same may kindly be looked into and resolved.

4. NSP-2 of Ghantapada, Manamunda & raikia are not performing up to the mark, as a result the SPMs do have no other way except to deny public for McCamish transaction, which creates public dissatisfaction. The same may kindly be looked into and resolved. 

5. The defective stabilizers of All B class SOs & above may kindly be repaired. 

6. After 11:00 hrs approx, HTM, CMRC & Account opening & closing menus are not working in  Court Street G Udayagiri & Also all other NDTSOs under Phulbani town area. Which causes immense problem. So the same may kindly be looked into and resolved. 

Soliciting a line of response. 

Yours faithfully
Rabinarayan Choudhury
Secretary, AIPEU, Gr.C
Phulbani divisional branch
Phulbani, Odisha-762 001
Mob-+91-9778236897 & +91-9861512364
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