Thursday, March 29, 2018
Saturday, March 24, 2018
Notice for GB meeting of AIPEU Gr C, Phulbani on 08.04.2018.
![]() | AIPEU-Gr. C Phulbani-762 001 <aipeuphi@gmail.com> |
Notice for GB meeting on 08.04.2018. 1 message |
Monday, March 19, 2018
Military Service Mandatory for State Government, Central Government Jobs?
Aspirants for the state and central government jobs should henceforth serve five years in the military. A proposal to this effect was made by the Parliamentary Standing Committee.
More than 20 countries around the world, including North Korea and Russia, have compulsory military service for all its citizens. Some of these countries have compulsory military service for women too. They insist on this training because they believe that, in addition to instilling a sense of patriotism in its citizens, military training also teaches them discipline and good values.
The Parliamentary Standing Committee has pointed out that there is a shortage of about 7,000 officers and about 20,000 soldiers in the Indian Army. The Indian Air Force is short of 150 officers and 15,000 soldiers; and the Navy is running short of 150 officers and 15,000 lower ranked personnel. The Parliamentary Standing Committee has suggested ways to reduce this growing shortage.
The Parliamentary Standing Committee, under the leadership of Retired Army Major General KC Khanduri, submitted its report on defence. The committee has recommended that a five-year military service be made mandatory for those who are seeking government jobs. The committee believes that the measure would reduce the shortage of human resource in armed forces.
The central institutes that design and implement the various training programmes for government employees could look into it, the committee said. According to statistics, more than 30 lakh people are employed in various central government offices, and more than 2 crore people are employed in the various state government agencies throughout the country.
Central Minister Arun Jaitley had, in July 2014, clarified that the government was not supporting the implementation of compulsory military service in India. But, he also informed that the number of recruits in the National Cadet Crop is increasing.
7th CPC Minimum Pay and Fitment Factor: Confederation writes to NJCA
Ref: Confdn/Genl/2016-19
Dated – 14.03.2018
To1. Shri M. Raghavaiyya
National Joint Council of Action of JCM (NC) Staff Side organisations (NJCA) & General Secretary
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Leader Staff side NC (JCM)
3, Chelmsford Road, New Delhi – 110055
2. Shri Shiv Gopal Misra
Convenor, NJCA & General Secretary
All India Railwaymen’s Federation (AIRF) & Secretary, Staff side,
National Council (Staff Side) JCM
13- C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi – 110001
Dear Comrade,
As you may be aware the Govt. of India, Ministry of Finance, has given the following written reply in Parliament for a question asked to Minister of Finance, regarding our demand – “Increase in Minimum Pay and Fitment Formula”.
Reply given by Minister of state for Finance:
“The minimum pay of Rs.18000/- p.m. and fitment factor of 2.57 are based on the specific recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission in the light of the relevant factors taken into account by it. Therefore, no change therein is at present under consideration”.
From the above it is crystal clear that Govt. has gone back from the assurance given on 30.06.2016 by Group of Ministers including Sri Rajnath Singh, Home Minister, Shri Arun Jaitley, Finance Minister and Shri Suresh Prabhan, then Railway Minister, that Minimum Pay and Fitment formula will be increased and for that purpose a High Level Committee will be appointed to submit report within four months.
Now that Govt. has gone back from its assurance, I on behalf of Confederation of Central Govt. Employees & Workers, which is a constituent organisation of NJCA, request you revive our deferred agitational programmes immediately and for that purpose, if necessary, an urgent meeting of the NJCA may be convened.
Awaiting response,
Yours fraternally,
(M. Krishnan)
Secretary General
Mob: 0944768125
Email: mkrishnan6854@gmail.com
Source: Confederation
India Post plans to equip postmen with PoS machines: report
India Post is reportedly planning to equip postmen with point of sale (PoS) machines that will allow postal recipients to pay for parcels with a debit or credit card. The Financial Express reported that the push comes as a part of the India Post’s ambitions of becoming a key player in the digital banking space.
According to the report the project is expected to be rolled out within a matter of weeks. The suggested timeline to have postmen carry PoS machines would coincide with the suggested final rollout of the India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) with the setting up of 650 branches by the end of April 2018. IPPB is currently only accessible at two branches in Raipur and Ranchi.
Debit cards in India
Although the government’s drive to get people to open bank accounts in rural India has led to the growth debit card holders, the lack of infrastructure has limited use of these cards. According to numbers shared by the Finance Ministry in the Parliament, 235.6 million RuPay debit cards have been issued to Jan Dhan Account holders as of 28 February 2018.
As of January 2018, the number of debit cards held in India stands at 846.7 million, with 4.23 million new cardholders being added in the first month of the new year.
POS machines
FE reports that the local arm of French payments company Lyra Networks India has been given the mandate to develop and connect the network of machines. The report speculates that anywhere between 150,000 and 210,000 new PoS machines could be put to use by India Post and that PoS machines on average cost anywhere between Rs 6,000 and Rs 10,000 apiece (the massive purchase order could drive down those prices). Beyond the machines themselves, there will be other cost involving logistics and cellular/internet connectivity.
As per Medianama’s February 2018 report on Digital Payments in India, there are 3.03 million POS machines in operation across the country (as of December 2017). The number of POS machines in the country has risen 71% since demonetisation although the monthly growth numbers have declined from 300,000 in March 2017 to 30,000 in December 2017. This number could see a significant surge once India Post begins the rollout of this plan.
With the rollout of IPPB, India Post aims to issue debit cards to account holders and plans to open its own ATMs to serve these cardholders. “In line with the Cabinet’s decision, IPPB intends to rollout 5,000 ATMs over a period of time. At present, IPPB will leverage the DOP ATMs for its banking operations, which are already connected with network of ATMs of other banks,” Communications Minister Manoj Sinha had said.
On last count, the India Post Payments Bank had issued 1619 Debit Cards: around 832 in Jharkhand and 787 in Chhattisgarh. While the Payments Bank hasn’t installed any ATMs, the Department of Posts has around 976 ATMs in rural India.
Time-limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowances
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, the 13th March, 2018
Office Memorandum
Sub: Time-limit for submission of claims for Travelling Allowances – regarding.
Consequent upon the issuance of General Financial Rule (GFR)-2017, vide Rule 290 of GFR-2017, time-limit for submission of claim for Travelling Allowance (TA) has been changed from one year to sixty days succeeding the date of completion of the journey. Accordingly, in supersession of this Department’s O.M. No.F.5(16)-E.IV(B)/67 dated 13.06.1967 & OM No.19038/1/75-E.IV (B) dated 18.02.1976, it has been decided with the approval of competent Authority that the claim of a Govt. servant to Travelling Allowance/Daily Allowance on Tour/Transfer/Training/Journey on Retirement, is forfeited or deemed to have been relinquished if the claim for it is not preferred within sixty days succeeding the date of completion of the journey.
2. ln respect of claim for Travelling Allowance for journey performed separately by the officer and members of his family, the dates should be reckoned separately for each journey and the claim shall be submitted within sixty days succeeding the date of completion of each individuai journey. Similarly, TA claims in r/o transportation of personal effects and conveyance shall be submitted within sixty days succeeding the date on which these are actually delivered to the Govt. servant at the new station.
3. The date of submission of the claims shall be determined as indicated below :-
(i) In the case of Officers who are their own Controlling Officer
The date of presentation of the claim at the Treasury-Cash Section.
(ii) In the case of Officers who are not their own Controlling Officer
The date of submission of the claim to the Head of Office-Controlling Officer.
4. In the case of claims falling under category 3(ii), which are presented to the Treasury after a period of sixty days succeeding the date of completion of journey, the date of submission of the claim
will be counted from the date when it was submitted by the Govt. servant to the Head of office/Controlling Officer within prescribed time-limit of sixty days.
5. A claim for Travelling Allowance of a Govt, servant which has been allowed to remain in abeyance for a period exceeding one year should be investigated by the Head of the Department concerned, lf the Head of Department is satisfied about the genuineness of the claim on the basis of the supportive documents and there are valid reasons for the delay in preferring the claims, the claims should be paid by the Drawing and Disbursing Officer or Accounts Officer, as the case may be, after usual checks.
6. These orders are not applicable in r/o Leave Travel Concession (LTC) claims which are governed by separate set of rules of DoPT.
7. These orders shall be effective from the date of issue of this O.M.
8. ln so far as the persons serving in the Indian Audit & Accounts Department are concerned, this order issues in consultation with the Comptroller & Auditor General of lndia.
(Nirmala Dev)
Deputy Secretary to the Government of lndia
Authority: www.doe.gov.in
Monday, March 12, 2018
Saturday, March 10, 2018
Circle Union writes to the Chief PMG, Odisha Circle on post CSI roll out issues
No. P3NFPE-Odisha/ 01 - 03/2018
Dated at Bhubaneswar the 9th March, 2018
Dr. S K Kamila, IPoS
Chief Postmaster General
Odisha Circle, Bhubaneswar – 751 001
Sub:- Regarding post CSI roll out problems.
Respected Sir,
We would like to draw your kind attention to the discussion made with the Secretary (Posts) during his visit to Odisha Circle on 05.03.2018 in your kind presence and participation along with the PMG, Berhampur, PMG, Sambalpur, DPS(HQ) and DA(P), Cuttack on CSI and other local issues. As discussed, the Secretary (Posts) has assured to take care of the CSI hardware issues with allotment of sufficient funds.
We expect that our Circle will pursue the issue at Directorate level with every priority.
In this connection, kindly find attached with the letter dated 06.03.2018 written by our Sambalpur Divisional branch to the SSPOs, Sambalpur on the above subject which is self explanatory. Except few specific local issues, the CSI hardware / software and connectivity issues along with training deficiencies narrated there in are common to all Divisions of Odisha Circle.
The CSI rolled out Divisions are suffering like anything and the mental peace, health condition, social / family / personal life of the staff members are highly deteriorating. Contradictorily, customers’ dissatisfaction is increasing day by day due to failure in ensuring prompt and efficient service on the part of the staff members for reasons beyond their control which have been stated clearly in the attached letter.
In this connection we would like to request you to kindly refer our letter No. P3NFPE-Odisha/ 07 - 02/2018, dated 18th February, 2018 on Koraput Division which is suffering highly from hardware and connectivity issues. Though the proposed rollout date of Koraput Division has been postponed to 20.03.2018, no CSI issue has yet been resolved.
Similar is the situation in Puri Division which is yet to be rolled out. The letter of the Postal JCA, Puri is enclosed here with which also clearly states the present position of the Division that is not in a preparatory position for CSI roll out.
Bhubaneswar and Berhampur Division are also suffering highly due to the present rollout on 06.03.2018. It is quite unfortunate that even employees are not imparted with proper training in both the Divisions. Bhubaneswar Division just preferred to arrange a workshop on 04.03.2018 with participation of as many as 150 staff members just before one day of the proposed rollout. A few hours of video clips solved nothing except loss of Govt. money and valuable time of the officials in a very unplanned manner.
Similar issues are also being reported to us from Dhenkanal, Balasore and other rollout Divisions. In short, all Divisions are suffering highly from several deficiencies.
In addition we would also like to invite a kind reference to this Union’s letter No. P3NFPE – Odisha / 01 – 11 / 2017, dated 02.11.2017 intimating the concern and genuine issues confronted by the staff members of Cuttack City Division on CSI rollout which were based on several information collected from our Trainers and S As and real problems practically faced by our staff members now working under CSI environment. Several operational issues after CSI rollout apart from Training, Hardware and Connectivity issues were brought to your kind notice which are yet to be resolved.
Therefore, this Circle union would like to request you to look seriously into the infrastructure, connectivity and training issues in connection with CSI rollout which can only ensure smooth functioning of the post offices up-keeping the goodwill of the Department of Posts.
Expecting your immediate necessary action and kind response.
With regards.
Yours faithfully,
Attached: As above
Circle Secretary
Copy for kind information and necessary action to:
1. The Postmaster General, Berhampur Region, Berhampur.
2. The Postmaster General, Sambalpur Division, Sambalpur.
Circle Secretary
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